I'm bound to be asked one day, 'what gave you the idea of The Golden Polar Bear?' It sounds a little conceited. Like how dare I imagine that anyone would be interested. I'm not conceited. I made a poster for my wall that says, 'Your Failures Have Built Your Foundation'. But it was a life changing event. It was like finding a door at the back of the wardrobe and the hairs are up on the back of my neck just thinking about it now. Here is a beautiful piece of music called Take Heart by Joyspring (Epidemic Sound). It's appropriate accompaniment.
When The Golden Polar Bear arrived in my life, I felt touched by magic and I began to understand the full extent of the Journey ahead, my Journey, with and for other beings (human and animal). I understand that it will be arduous at times and demand my full creative self. But I can see that everything I've done in my life has given me the skills and prepared me for the Journey I'm undertaking. It is my Destiny.
The Golden Polar Bear coming into my life is a comfort because I've always felt different. I've been stuck inside a thick glass bell jar, screaming at times to get out. Banging on the glass but not being seen or heard. I'm just not like other people and I've never really felt like I belong. I've been lonely both within and without relationships, and from an early age, a true and lasting comfort has my lifelong love of black labradors. These dogs are so full of love and they also need love as well. Rather like me, I guess.
As a teenager, I used to walk the family labs in Longsleddale Valley, here in Cumbria. With the dogs, I was at ease and happy. I wasn't wanting for clothes, makeup and the usual teenage stuff. Not really. I just liked being with Sam and Henry. People made me slightly nervous. They still do. Though I long to be more connected to everyone, I just don't seem to be able to find the bridge. I wander through life wondering what it's like to be inside one of the family units I see going about their business.
But when The Golden Polar Bear arrived, I felt things change. Now I feel like Destiny has come knocking and finally I'm going to be able to open the door and connect.
Here's what happened...
It was a dark and wintry night in November, the curtains were closed and the candles were lit. The clock ticked and the dog snored. I was lying on the sofa, musing in the gloom. I was thinking about how something was missing. Whichever way I looked at it, I was bored of the website I was building and I knew that if I was bored, it was a doomed project.
Georgia suddenly raised her head and walked over to the sofa and asked to come up. She rarely does that now, and for me, it's a gift. Up she got and she snuggled into my tummy and soothed the e'er present ache of being childless. Having her spooning into my tummy feels wonderful. I stroked her and my mind wandered as my fingers filled with the fur.
We lay there together quietly, savouring touching each other. Ever since I was a child, I've got down on a level with dogs. I've rolled around on the floor and still do. I adore it. I don't care about the dog fur everywhere. It's a price worth paying to be inside the dog's space. Hearing them breathe, seeing things as they do...
From out of nowhere, 'the big black dog' brand name popped into my head. Nah.
It was a short step to 'the big black bear'. And from there to 'the black bear', 'the golden bear', 'the golden polar bear'. My hand stopped stroking Georgia. This was it. It had come. The Golden Polar Bear had arrived. Walking straight in my front door without warning. I was especially pleased because I knew people would say, 'but Golden Polar Bears don't exist' and I was going to be able to say, 'ah but they do here. Come in.'
The brand name shimmered in the air. I could see it. I could see Her. The character I would later call Apeiron.
I was shining on the inside because it felt so right. And of course, The Golden Polar Bear has what marketing people might call 'legs' and I could have some fun with it creatively. Most importantly, I knew The Golden Polar Bear would be able to tell the story I want to tell.
Of course, when the gates of life swing open, the dot com domain name is available. That's just how things go.
I lay back after securing the domain. Georgia stirred. I was amazed. In 5 minutes, I'd found the brand name I'd been searching for since stopping eating animals. I'd gone via Heathen Vegan which had always seemed so spikily exclusive.
I continued to lie on the sofa, Georgia hadn't really moved despite my awkwardly buying the domain on my 'phone with her still snuggled. I wondered when the strap line would arrive. I knew it would. Another thing happened though: Apeiron's voice boomed loud and began telling Her story. I've long since had two-way conversations with my dogs so I wasn't too surprised to hear Apeiron. Nevertheless, I'm 51 so I began to dictate the story into the 'phone, just in case.
And so the magical telling of the rest of my life had Begun.
Bear Hugs, Big Licks and Sniffs,
Julia Savory and Georgia The Wonder Dog
p.s. The strap line did arrive... I was walking the dog... I'm always walking the dog... 'Food For The Child In Ev'ry Adult'. I liked it. It suited the Food and the Community I knew I'd create. It was right for Apeiron. For The Golden Polar Bear. It's been augmented now to 'Food & Friendship For The Child In Ev'ry Adult'. Of course, it's a restaurant in the making, the place we’re drawn to when eating out or ordering in. We don't quite know why we’re drawn there... the magic finds and holds us… but that's another story for another day…
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this -on so many levels - you and GG rock xxx