This Certainly Isn't It
I wrote recently, Is there Anyone Else Out There? It was as much a rallying cry to self as a cry to others.
I was chatting with an Airbnb guest last evening. He's travelled the world a fair bit and is intelligent and sensitive. I think it started with a comment about the state of British roads and went from there. Whatever the topic, the negative roared forth. Moving through politics, Trump, Putin, Ukraine, litter and internet porn (Lilly Smith's antics in the context of Gisèle Pericot). I observed that our conversation was somewhat negative and frankly I was surprised I slept.
But, I awoke today feeling extraordinarily positive. I charged from my bed like a woman possessed. And I say this, today, at the end of Enlightened Year 1: I'm Not Done. This Certainly Isn't It. I will not become jaded and cynical. I believe there is another way. I believe we can fix things. I believe. I just do. I'm willing to stick my head above the parapet and, from these lowly beginnings on my dining room table, I'm willing to get shot. I'm willing to be wrong. I'm willing to be laughed at. But what I'm UNWILLING to do is to give up. And have many more conversations like the one last night.
I live in a PRISTINE environment in a town filled with lovely people. I am hypersensitive, cities and busy places leave me exhausted and unable, but here? Here, my environment is perfect. Here, I see mountains from my dining table desk. Here, I thrive. Here, I can Do Something.
I will not lie down. I will not be normal. I will not assume that I'm too old to make a difference. I will not. I will create a compassionate community and that community will create impact. I'm genuinely excited and having said that, it's time to tickle Georgia's tummy for a bit and then face the weather.
Happy New Year's Eve.
Bear Hugs, Big Sniffs and Licks,
Julia Savory and Georgia The Wonder Dog